Namibian Resources Review
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Business & Projects NewsFeature

First Concentrate Produced at Motheo

Sandfire Resources Limited is pleased to announce that it has successfully produced first copper concentrate at its Motheo Copper Mine (Motheo) in Botswana. Construction of the Motheo Copper Mine is nearing completion, with equipment commissioning activities over 92% complete for the initial 3.2Mtpa processing capacity. T3 Open Pit mining is proceeding on schedule with more than 270kt of ore at ~1.1% Cu (mill feed) and 130kt at ~0.7% Cu (lower grade commissioning ore) on the ROM Pad at the end of April 2023. Figure 1: Motheo Copper Mine Process Plant. With an inaugural shipment scheduled for the middle of this calendar year, the Motheo team will now focus on completing commissioning activities and ramping-up the processing plant to its initial 3.2Mtpa processing capacity, which is expected to be achieved during the September Quarter of FY2024.

The Company is also pleased to advise that the ESIA for the A4 Project has been approved by the Botswana Government’s Department of Environmental Affairs. The approval of the ESIA is the result of an extensive public consultation process that included multiple stakeholders, including related communities. The ESIA paves the way for the grant of the mining license for the A4 Pit as the last critical path item for the Motheo 5.2Mtpa Expansion, which will see contained copper production rates at Motheo increase to around 50ktpa during FY2025.

Management Comment

Sandfire’s Managing Director and CEO, Brendan Harris, said: ‘Achieving these important milestones is an outstanding result for Sandfire and is a tribute to the excellent team that we have at Motheo. ‘First concentrate production at our newest mine signals the start of our ramp-up towards the initial 3.2Mtpa capacity, which we expect to achieve on a sustainable basis during the September Quarter of FY2024. With the approval of the A4 Project ESIA paving the way for the grant of the A4 Pit mining license, our attention now turns to the delivery of the rapid, low-cost expansion in capacity from 3.2Mtpa to 5.2Mtpa by early CY2024. ‘The approval of the ESIA is the result of an extensive public consultation process that included multiple stakeholders, including related communities, and is another demonstration of the momentum that Sandfire is building through our positive interaction with stakeholders in the Ghanzi region.’

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