In the world of construction and mining, every project presents its unique set of challenges. When faced with the task of moving substantial amounts of...
Entries for the Forklift Driver competition, taking place at Electra Mining Africa, Nasrec Johannesburg, from 2 – 6 September 2024, are now open. Lifting Africa...
A hard-won culture of safety has earned Murray & Roberts Cementation the accolade of seven million fatality free shifts from the Association of Mine Managers...
$150 million from the African Development Bank, $18 million from the Canada – African Development Bank Climate Fund and $20 million from the Clean Technology...
Demolition robots are a relatively new form of professional service robot used in the demolition sector to demolish buildings at the end of their lifecycle....
A prominent drilling customer in South Africa’s North West province, who has been operating a V900 electronic compressor recently purchased from Atlas Copco Power Technique,...
In a strategic move to fortify its presence in South Africa, I-MAK, a premium brand under the umbrella of Bearings International (BI), executed an impactful...
More and more organisations are exploring energy efficient solutions to meet their sustainability goals and combat global warming. To meet this growing demand, Atlas Copco...
The Scooptram ST14 SG is the latest iteration of our highly successful battery-electric 14-tonne underground loader. By fusing zero-emission technology with advanced automation capabilities, Scooptram...
Zinnwald Lithium Plc (“Zinnwald Lithium”) and Metso continue to make excellent progress developing the beneficiation plant concept for the integrated Zinnwald Lithium Project located near Dresden,...
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